
Courageous Vulnerability

For Deeper Connections

Awakened Shadow Coaching

At Awakened Shadow Coaching, we acknowledge the richness of each individual's history and the intricacies of their identity. Our approach, grounded in attachment coaching and inspired by the wisdom of Hakomi training, establishes a nurturing environment to explore your relationships and experiences. We guide you through understanding relational dynamics and their profound impact on your life. This journey of courageous vulnerability fosters healing by embracing your whole self and seeing each other for who we really are. Our coaching, enriched by the tangible connection to nature, empowers you to cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with those you love.

“Our experience with Jason has been nothing short of 'life changing'. Imagine having somebody at the ready to help you, any time of day, anytime you need it. Jason did not solve problems for us. Instead, he gave us the tools to solve them on our own.”

- Parents

“Its a combination of empathy, education, lived experience, sense of humor, patience and a genuine interest in and concern for others that sets Jason apart. Not everyone can do this work. Jason can.”


“Thank you for the timely, pertinent and extremely effective parent coaching work…we have a much better parent child relationship today.”

- Parents of “K”

“Jason was an invaluable part of our lives during one of the most difficult times in our lives. Within minutes of our first parent-coach session, he was engaged and immediately in tune with our feelings and needs. It was truly a relief how quickly he caught on to our situation.”

- Sherry

“One of the common remedies for panic attacks…is knowing everything is going to be ok. Because of you, Jason, I developed the ability to stay calm under any circumstance.”


“Jason has helped me accept and understand my diagnoses. He is supportive and encouraging regarding my sobriety. Through his understanding I have gained a greater awareness of what I can do for myself as I heal in my recovery.”


“Jason provided me with a space that was safe to open up to. A space that made me feel as if my shortcomings were not personality traits, space for me to finally connect my physical body with my emotional mind.”


Meet Your Coach

Jason Denham

"Wherever I go, I show up with courageous vulnerability. It wasn't always that way—I've wandered through the wilderness, navigating the depths of personal growth. This transformative journey allowed me to discover the strength in embracing every facet of my being. Today, drawing upon my expertise and personal growth, I guide others on their unique paths towards a fulfilling, whole, and authentic life. Rooted in the principles of attachment work, I am dedicated to supporting individuals as they navigate their own wilderness and forge deeper, more meaningful connections."

"Jason did not solve problems for us. Instead, he gave us the tools to solve them on our own.”

-Parents of “M”


Book a Session

Free Consultation

Begin your journey with us through a complimentary 30-minute consultation — designed for first-time clients, this meeting allows us to connect and get a feel for each other's styles. If it's a perfect fit, wonderful! If not, perhaps I can guide you toward a direction that's right for you and your family. Let's explore the possibilities together; schedule your free session now.


Onboarding Session

As we begin this journey together, I have a series of thoughtful questions and conversations designed to gather essential information. These initial onboarding sessions are comprehensive, involving the completion of paperwork, in-depth discussions, and the establishment of a family agreement. Following the onboarding sessions, you'll have the option to seamlessly transition into individual sessions at the standard rate. Your commitment to this process sets the stage for meaningful progress and positive change within your family dynamics.

Coaching Session

Continue your journey with some focused one-on-one time with an individual coaching session. Tailored to your unique needs, these sessions are guided by attachment coaching principles and enriched by the wisdom of Hokomi training. Engage in discussions, explore relational dynamics, and foster healing, all in a safe and nurturing environment. Take the next step in your journey towards deeper, more meaningful connections—schedule your 60-minute coaching session now.


Curious about the possibility of hands-on intensive coaching in your own environment? Ask me about my intensives and explore how we can bring transformative coaching directly into your situation. For customized packages, discounts on multiple sessions, or additional options, please reach out to us. We're here to tailor a coaching experience that best suits your needs and journey toward deeper, more meaningful connections.

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