About Me

"My story is proof that with mind, body and spirit connection much can be achieved"

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When I was ten, I began having seizures, which was also the time I began feeling disconnected from my peer group. Along with this, a struggle with ADHD lead to my grades dropping along with my self-esteem. This increase of anxiety/stress only served to increase my seizure activity and, with that, the cycle of isolation continued and worsened.

Later in life I found alcohol to numb my feelings of disconnection from my community and self until I realized the issues causing my need to escape needed to be addressed. I began a journey of facing my internal battles with anxiety, depression, epilepsy and alcohol abuse with a program of recovery, meditation, movement and nutrition. Today, I am almost a decade sober and seizure free without medication after 27 years.

Awaken Shadow Coaching is the outcome of the work I put into myself now manifesting itself in a business that helps others slow, stop and heal their suffering. During our formative years, we create beliefs about ourselves that are difficult to unravel, but I am proof that with mind, body and spirit connection much can be overcome and achieved.

This unraveling isn't always an easy one and I am excited to walk with you through your own journey of shadow healing and self-discovery, increasing your ability to connect in a healthy way with self and others.



After nearly 20 years of continually seeking educational expansion and working alongside many professionals with even more impressive amounts of letters behind their names, I am proud to say that I am able to bring all elements of success from my journey to help my clients connect to and thrive in their relationships with self and others.

The Hakomi Method- DBT, CBT, Gestalt Psychology

Attachment Therapy - Integrated Approach

Mental First Aid

Suicide Prevention

Wilderness First Aid & CPR

Recovery Coach - Recovery Coach Academy

Firefly International Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher

ISCA Mat Pilates Certification

Backcountry Yoga Certified Yoga Instructor

E-RYT 200 hr Fluid Yoga Certification

“Jason provided me with a space that was safe to open up to. A space that made me feel as if my shortcomings were not personality traits, space for me to finally connect my physical body with my emotional mind.”


“Jason has helped me accept and understand my diagnoses. He is supportive and encouraging regarding my sobriety. Through his understanding I have gained a greater awareness of what I can do for myself as I heal in my recovery.”


“One of the common remedies for panic attacks…is knowing everything is going to be ok. Because of you, Jason, I developed the ability to stay calm under any circumstance.”


“Jason was an invaluable part of our lives during one of the most difficult times in our lives. Within minutes of our first parent-coach session, he was engaged and immediately in tune with our feelings and needs. It was truly a relief how quickly he caught on to our situation.”

- Sherry

“Thank you for the timely, pertinent and extremely effective parent coaching work…we have a much better parent child relationship today.”

- Parents of “K”

“Its a combination of empathy, education, lived experience, sense of humor, patience and a genuine interest in and concern for others that sets Jason apart. Not everyone can do this work. Jason can.”


“Our experience with Jason has been nothing short of 'life changing'. Imagine having somebody at the ready to help you, any time of day, anytime you need it. Jason did not solve problems for us. Instead, he gave us the tools to solve them on our own.”

- Parents

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